Installation of MS .NET Runtime and further prerequisite componentsRunning the Setup.EXE supplied with the installation package automates all required download and installation steps. Therefore there shall be no need for the user to bother about it manually.
The explanation below gives you more background information in the case you
decide to install prerequisites manually and under your full control. Installation instructions for Microsoft® .NET Framework Version 3.5 and Version 4.0Links shown below will forward you to the download area and to detailed installation instructions of Microsoft® .NET Framework Version 3.5 and 4.0 (valid at the time of writing this section). Please note, that you must be logged on with an account of the user granted installation permissions. The language version shall be the same as of your operating system:
Alternatively you can choose Windows Update (windows menu Start → Windows Update) and then in the group "Custom Install/Optional Updates" choose .NET 3.5 and .NET4 installation. Important: Even if .NET4 is already installed the .NET2 (included in .NET3.5) must be also installed. Important: Microsoft® NET 4.0 Runtime is no longer required (from AnTherm Version 10 on)
See also: System requirements, Installation of the software |