On the Storage of Heat in Building ComponentsExamining heat storage in building construction materials and assemblies - often referred to as thermal storage - by
means of a periodically oscillating model of thermal conduction leads to a generalized conductance concept (complex conductance
matrices). This concept can serve as the basis for three- dimensional, non-steady-state (transient) calculations of the thermal
performance of buildings. Relationships to the concept of effective thermal capacity (previously introduced in other
publications) are established in context. A correct treatment of heat storage processes in building structures is only possible by means of a thorough examination of relevant time-dependant heat flows. The concept presented here is only seemingly restricted to periodically fluctuating processes since a generalization which incorporates aperiodic functions as well is principally possible with the use of Laplace transforms. The segment of this discourse most relevant to the practical application of evaluating a building's thermal performance is the generalization of the already familiar conduction value concept for steady-state conditions to include periodically time-dependant conditions as well. This provides the basis for calculating the thermal performance of entire buildings in which two- and three-dimensional heat conduction is considered - without a serious increase in complications as compared to one-dimensional, time-dependant calculations. Continue reading here:
The above essay has been incorporated with friendly permission from Klaus Kreč, Büro für Bauphysik, A-3562 Schönberg am Kamp, Veltlinerstr. 9, Österreich/Austria .
See also: Theoretical background |