Harmonic (periodic) dynamic indicatorsDRAFT The HARMONIC option of AnTherm calculates “harmonic thermal conductivities” of component or building as indicators required for transient building energy simulations based on periodic (harmonic) approach. This also includes PHPP calculations. Thermal Harmonic Conductivities and further dynamic indicators facilitating heat transport with heat capacity capabilities follow the ISO and EN standard EN ISO 13786.
The harmonic thermal conductivity is given by
the amplitude and phase lag of the heat flow which follows periodically changing boundary conditions (either temperatures or
heat sources or sinks). Lagging in time with damping of amplitude (attenuation) results from heat storage capability of
materials. The Harmonic option of AnTherm can be seen as a small brother of the much more extensive TRANSIENT-Option. By using the harmonic indicators much better approximation of dynamic thermal behaviour of the building can be obtained when compared to simplified steady state approach – even with only one first harmonic of the oscillation. Exact indicators calculated with AnTherm for any 3 dimensional geometry and arbitrary combination of materials are indispensible replacement for approximations restricted to few simplified geometries only as those provided in ISO 13370. The strength of the HARMONIC tool relies on the fact, that harmonic thermal conductances (complex number, amplitude and the phase lag) can be calculated without the need to enter nor to know any boundary conditions – harmonic thermal conductances are output just following the steady state thermal conductances L2D, L3D in the respective report. There is also no need to specify or assume any starting boundary conditions as compared to time step based methods. It is very important to emphasize, that harmonic thermal conductance are characteristic for the object concerned and by that are independent of any boundary conditions. The proper calculation of these harmonic periodic indicators does not need to know nor to apply any boundary conditions. Further evaluation of the behaviour of a building component under certain and periodically changing boundary conditions is subject to the “TRANSIENT” Option of AnTherm (higher harmonics, periodic boundary conditions, animation in time and timeline outputs). Remark: The HARMONIC Option alone basically offers evaluation under steady state boundary conditions (in addition to harmonic, periodic, dynamic indicators). Remark: The numerical results (stored within the folder of simulation results) shall be passed to the Program THESIM (www.thesim.at).
See also: Theoretical background, European standards on thermal bridges, EN ISO 13786, EN ISO 13370, Transient, multidimensional calculations by an example of components in contact with soil |