Immersive 3D stereo (binocular) experienceDRAFT AnTherm utilizes stereo viewing capabilities for the three dimensional analysis of thermal bridges in building constructions. In addition to the real time 3D rendering of analyzed objects one can now easily receive immersive experience of real 3D by turning into stereo capable interactive imagery.
Stereo viewing is even possible with very cheap Read-Blue glasses. By utilizing more advanced equipment, such as Crystal-Eyes or NVIDIA 3D Vision glasses, fully immersive stereoscopic 3D experience of colourful visualizations can be made available to nearly any user’s desktop PC. By a simple click of the mouse AnTherm automatically transforms your PC into full stereoscopic 3D thermal bridge evaluation tool.
Remark: Using binocular stereo modes requires a valid license feature STEREO3DVIEW See also: 3D Navigation within 3D windows |