07 December 2016: Now we are working on an interface for IFC files in order to import 3D models created with Autodesk Revit to AnTherm.
November 2016: We extended the DXF interface in order to import oblique and round elements from 2D models created with AutoCAD, ArchiCAD or Revit.
11 May 2015: We are currently working on the implementation of slopes and roundings in AnTherm.
May 2015: AnTherm Release 7.126.4
October 3rd 2013: AnTherm release 7.125
September 23rd 2013: AnTherm release 7.124
On 22nd February 2013 the new update 7.118 of AnTherm has been deployed to subscribers of the software maintenance.
On 10th December the new update 6.115 of AnTherm has been deployed to subscribers of the software maintenance.
The Update 6.114 of AnTherm has been deployed beginning of November 2012 to subscribers of the software maintenance. This version runs on Windows 8/.NET4.5 too.
Meet us at 26-28. September 2012 in Berlin, Germany during the BauSIM2012 - The fourth local bi-annual conference of IBPSA-Germany - Building Performance Simulation on Different Scales: from Bldg Components, Rooms and Buildings up to District Energy Systems
... this link will bring you to the papers and presentations in alphabetic order ...
Meet us at 12-14. September 2012 in Cracow, Poland, ENERGODOM 2012 - XI International Research-Technical Conference on the Problems of Designing, Construction and Use of Low Energy Housing
"Practical implementation of a harmonic conductance model in 4D thermal simulation software"
The Update 6.110 of AnTherm has been deployed in July 2012 to subscribers of the software maintenance.
The Update 6.108 of AnTherm has been deployed in March 2012 to subscribers of the software maintenance.
Madonna will perform in the Bridgestone Super Bowl XLVI Halftime Show on NBC on Sunday, Feb. 5, at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis , according the National Football League's official site. However, Kelly Clarkson's national anthem is going to show up the icon...
You are viewing the "thermal bridges AnTherm" - right?
From 1st January 2012 on there is new Price Schedule on unchanged product structure - adjustment reflects further development of the TRANSIENT-Option introduced in December 2011. See also: The Licence Price Calculator.
The Update 6.106 of AnTherm has been deployed at End of December 2011 to subscribers of the software maintenance.
Focusing on the subject of components in connection with ground the simulation program THESIM_Earth uses the matrices of harmonic thermal conductances calculated by AnTherm and creates location related time dependant results - the timeline of heat losses thorout the year of a building component in connection with ground together with the timeline the temporal distribution of resulting air temperature within unheated cellar.
It has been announced that baubook GmbH and the Austrian Standards Institut will work together on creation, publication and dissemination of characteristic building materials data for building physics.
This baubook-data are available as an updatable import in AnTherm's Materlas-Database too.
During December 2011 individually structured, custom trainings were held for customers in Germany in Austria.
We are pleased to be able to support your efforts in efficient use of steady and transient state thermal bridge simulation software.
The "IBPSA's 12th biennial conference, Building Simulation 2011" was held in Sydney in November 2011 (BS2011)
The Update 6.102 of AnTherm has been deployed in October 2011 to subscribers of the software maintenance.
The Anniversary Version 6.100 of AnTherm has been released in June 2011 and distributed to subscribers of the software maintenance.
Read the papers/slides from "9th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics" in Tampere/Suomi-Finland, 29.May-3.June 2011 (NSB 2011).
More then 200 experts have joined the exhibit of AnTherm during Aachener Bausachverständigentage (attended by nearly 1500 professionals this year) and received updated quotation about the thermal bridge assessment software and the simulation with AnTherm.
The update subscription delivers in march 2011 the newest thermal bridge simulation software in version 6.99.
Christina Aguilera to sing the national anthem at Super Bowl XLV - "...must say the Super Bowl is a dream come true..."
Christina Aguilera has been chosen to sing at the national anthem at the Super Bowl in Texas on Feb. 6, according the National Football League's official blog.
You are viewing the "thermal bridges AnTherm" - right?
Interesting comparison of various calculation methods of heat losses related to components in connection with ground (currently in German only) is given by the master thesis of DI J.N.Nackler in "Diploma & Projects".
Further Knowledge Base Papers within the Theory part of the AnTherm Documentation shall give you better understanding of important Concepts and Terms fundamental to the Thermal Bridging Program:
"A practical method for the assessment of heat bridges with a view to surface condensation"
"Heat Transfer in Building Constructions in consideration of Heat Sources"
"On the Storage of Heat in Building Components"
"The building envelope as thermal heat bridge"
"On three dimensional simulation of thermal behaviour of buildings"
"Methods of thermal heat bridge survey in international perspective"
"Heat losses from large buildings through the ground"
"The air temperature in the unheated basement, a case study"
"On calculation of Ψ-values (psi) for building constructions in connection with ground"
The new Licence Price Calculator now has ability to calculate estimated update costs of older AnTherm licenses.
From 17th December 2010 on there is new Price Schedule on unchanged product structure - adjustment reflects further development of the September 2010 release of version 6.
See also: The Licence Price Calculator.
The user training session "Calculating Thermal Bridges and Vapour Diffusion with AnTherm" is scheduled to be held in Vienna, on 26th January 2011 (the session will be held in German).
AnTherm has joined and been shown at sessions of third german-austrian IBPSA conference "BauSIM 2010 - Building Performance Simulation in a Changing Environment" from 22nd till 24th September 2010 in Vienna/Austria.
The New AnTherm Version 6 has been released on 1st September 2010 and is available to subscribers of the update-subscription.
During the Excursion of "The International Passive House Summer School" to Vienna on 29th July 2010 the workshop named "Vapour Diffusion, Phase Lag and 3D Aspects of Thermal Bridges" will be scheduled.
The Licence Price Calculator gives you the opportunity to configure various variants of AnTherm's license and let it calculate estimated license costs.
The informational session "Calculating Thermal Bridges and Vapour Diffusion with AnTherm" was held in Vienna, on 5th May 2010.
From 15th March 2010 on there is new Product Structure and new Price Schedule - adjustment reflects further development of the March 2010 release of version 5.
The informational session "Calculating Thermal Bridges and Vapour Diffusion with AnTherm" has been held in Vienna on 3rd March 2010.
New Version 5 has been released. Functional extensions for transient, harmonic heat transmission calculations and steady state vapour diffusion calculation (in addition to steady state heat transmission) are available now. The multiprocessor support and visualization performance have been improved and significantly extended.
New updated version 4.81 is available to subscribers of the update-subscription.
AnTherm supported more then 400 guests of the International Passive House Forum in Poznan (Międzynarodowe Forum Budownictwa Pasywnego w Poznaniu, Poland) during sessions held on 20/21.January 2010.
More then 120 guests have attended the informational session "Calculating Thermal Bridges and Vapour Diffusion with AnTherm" in Poznan, 22nd January 2010. and discussed the needed revolution.
The informational session "Calculating Thermal Bridges and Vapour Diffusion with AnTherm" has been held in Berlin, 25th January 2010.
From 23. November 2009 on the new update price schedule applies - adjustment reflects further development of the November 2008 release of version 4.
New updated version 4.78 is available to subscribers of the update-subscription.
The informational session "Calculating Thermal Bridges and Vapour Diffusion with AnTherm" has been held on 20th October 2009 in Vienna and 24th November in Dornbirn/Vorarlberg.
Successfully installation and correct execution of AnTherm on MS Windows 7 (RC1) has been proven.
For the first time the workshop „Advanced use of AnTherm / Heat Bridges / Vapour Diffusion“ was scheduled and held on 17th June 2009 in Vienna.
The training „Introduction to working with AnTherm / Heat Bridges / Vapour Diffusion“ and (for the first time) a workshop „Advanced use of AnTherm / Heat Bridges / Vapour Diffusion“ have been held on 15th and 17th June 2009 in Vienna.
The new optimized, multiprocessor aware version 4.74 is available to the update-subscription subscribers.
Updated information in the "Building Energy Software Tools Directory" provided by the U.S. Department of Energy reflects current version of AnTherm as lately validated conformant to EN ISO 10211:2007 and 10077:2003 standards. From 21. February 2009 on the new update price schedule applies - adjustment reflects further development of the November 2008 release of version 4.
Utilizing multiprocessor/multicore-technology boosts AnTherm to the next level of computational performance. Our supercomputing experience makes desktop workplace being utilized with advanced 3D visualization and highest computing power by taking advantage of today's typical computer architectures.
AnTherm Weblog related to the program, development, thermal heat bridges and vapour diffusion opened at http://antherm.blogspot.com/ .
New updated and optimized version 4.69 is available to subscribers of the update-subscription.
AnTherm conforms to validation requirements of the EN 10077-2:2003 - as two dimensional numerical method for calculation of heat transfer through frames of windows, doors and shutters.
AnTherm conforms to validation requirements of the EN 10211:2007 - as two- and three dimensional, stationary precision method of „Class A“. The new validation replaces the earlier one for the EN ISO 10211-1:1996.
The new, even further improved, version 4 of the program AnTherm is released - including the automatic calculation of Psi-values (linear thermal transmittance correction term) and further tools.
From 18. November 2008 on the new license- and update price schedule applies (see the order form and preice schedule) - adjusted update prices, update-subscription , VAPOUR-Option und DONGLE-License-Option.
Frequently viewed chapter "Basics & Some Theory of AnTherm" can be found within the application's documentation now.