Results & Evaluation
AnTherm provides variety of ways to show computational results and execute
evaluations. It provides results as textual reports and
graphical evaluations (visualization).
Reports provide computational results as textual, printable output. All
reports can be
- viewed on the screen,
- saved as
PDF, XLSX, DOCX or image
file for further processing,
- printed on the printer
- searched for specific words and phrases.
Following reports are available and can be generated via the
Main menu (View) of the program:
Data Entry Report
detailed listing of entered data |
Modelling Report |
a summarizing report for the modelled construction, used
materials, spaces, surface properties and power sources |
Coupling Coeff.
Report |
Output of the calculated matrix of Thermal Coupling
Coefficients (the conductance matrix) along with calculation precision indicators. |
Results Report |
Output of surface temperatures under defined
conditions at coldest surface points of each space, along with their
location (coordinates) and respective temperature factors fRsi.
The 2nd part of this report outputs
temperature values at given
probe points under
If there is
vapour solution also, values of vapour saturation pressure and partial
pressure are also shown. |
Each output form contains the name and address of the user displayed at the
top. The date of the output creation along with the program information are
also shown. Please refer to
license terms and conditions of use
regarding these output contents. Just below the heading the file name (the
project file) is shown followed by the user chosen
short project description. Specific calculation and simulation results are
displayed below this general information.
Graphical evaluations are used to visualize simulation results as two- and
three-dimensional picture renderings. The choice of
primary function
provides following visualizations:
- Representation of temperature distribution (colour
mapped picture,
- Representation of heat flux/heat stream flow (colour
vector arrow(s), isosurface,
profile-diagram) und
- Representation of dew point (colour
mapped view,
Representation of
interstitial (core) vapour pressure distribution (partial pressure,
saturation pressure or pressure difference, relative core humidity) (colour
mapped view,
profile-diagram) und- Representation of
vapour diffusion flux/stream flow (colour
mapped view,
vector arrow(s),
Visualizations can be easily adjusted to user's needs and according to
specific requirements:
At any time the graphical display can be
copied to the
clipboard for further transfer to other applications (for example to create
compound reports).
Visualizations can also be saved (exported) to picture files (PNG, GIF, JPG, TIFF, ...) or to
scene files (VRML, OOGL, IV, ...) for further processing.
Following visualizations can be shown in Results 3D window :
Heat stream density on construction's
surface |
Distribution of heat flux (modulus of heat stream density)
on the
surfaces of the
construction is shown as a coloured picture. The assignment of colours
to heat stream density values depends on the chosen
colour table. |
Isolines of
heat stream density on the construction's
surface |
Display the distribution of the heat stream density on the
surfaces of the
construction shown as
isolines, i.e. lines of
constant heat stream density values. The colour of the lines depends on the
colour table chosen.
Heat stream density on a
slice plane |
Displaying the colour mapped distribution of heat flux on
slice plane cutting through
the construction. The colouring of the slice plane depends on the
colour table chosen. The
position of the slice plane is given by one coordinate. |
Isolines of
heat flux on a
slice plane |
Displaying isolines of heat stream density value on a
slices plane cutting through the construction. Lines of constant stream
density are coloured as set by the chosen
colour table. |
Isosurface for
one value of heat stream density |
Displaying a surface of constant value (iso-surface)
for one freely chosen heat stream density. The colour of the surface depends
on the
colour table chosen. |
Streamline(s) tracing the
heat flow through the construction |
Display of the heat flow streamline from/to any chosen
point within the construction. The colour of the streamline depends on
colour table chosen. |
Vectors (HedgeHog, Arrows) tracing the
heat flow through the construction |
Display of the heat flow at any chosen
point or points within the construction by arrow glyphs. The size of vector
symbols follows the heat stream density. The colour of glyph symbols depends on
colour table chosen. |
Heat flux diagram
along a profile line. |
Display of a X/Y-diagram of heat stream density along the chosen profile line. The position of this
profile line point is set by positioning slice planes XY/YZ/ZX. The diagram shown corresponds to values along the
intersection of two of those three planes. |
Dew point values at
construction's surfaces |
Displaying the colour mapped distribution of dew point
values on
surface of the construction
(calculated from the surface temperature and space air temperature).
The representation can be adjusted by choosing different
colour table which assigns
colour to intervals of the dew point values. |
Isolines of
dew point valuse on
construction's surfaces |
Display of the distribution of dew point values on
surface of the construction
shown as
isolines (lines of constant
dew point value). The assignment if the colours to dew point values depends
on the chosen
colour table.
VAPOUR-option: Analysis of multidimensional vapour diffusion is
only possible with an active VAPOUR-Option of the program.. |
VAPOUR-option: Analysis of multidimensional vapour diffusion is
only possible with an active VAPOUR-Option of the program.. |
Distribution of vapour stream density on construction's surface
Display of vapour stream density distribution on the
surfaces of the
construction is shown as a coloured picture. The assignment of colours
to density values depends on the chosen
colour table. |
Isolines of
vapour stream density on construction's surface |
Display of vapour stream density distribution on
surfaces of the
construction is shown as isolines, i.e. lines of constant values. The colouring of isolines is applied according
to the chosen colour table. |
Vapour stream density on a
slice plane |
Displaying the colour mapped distribution of vapour stream
density on
slice plane cutting through
the construction. The representation can be adjusted by choosing different
colour table which assigns
colour to intervals of density values. The
position of the slice plane -
always parallel to axes planes - can be set by input of the coordinate at
the intersection of the axis perpendicular to the slice plane. |
Isolines of
vapour stream density on a
slice plane |
Displaying isolines of vapour stream density on a
slices plane cutting through the construction. Lines of constant pressure are coloured as set by the chosen
colour table. |
for one vapour stream density value |
Displaying a surface of constant value (iso-surface)
for one freely chosen vapour stream density. The colour of the surface depends
on the
colour table chosen. |
Streamline(s) tracing the
vapour diffusion flow through the construction |
Display of the diffusion flow streamline from/to any chosen
point within the construction. The colour of the streamline depends on
colour table chosen. |
Vectors (HedgeHog, Arrows) tracing the
vapour diffusion flow through the construction |
Display of the diffusion flow at any chosen
point or points within the construction by arrow glyphs. The size of vector
symbols follows the vapour stream density. The colour of glyph symbols depends on
colour table chosen. |
Vapour flux diagram
along a profile line. |
Display of a X/Y-diagram of vapour stream density along the chosen profile line. The position of this
profile line point is set by positioning slice planes XY/YZ/ZX. The diagram shown corresponds to values along the
intersection of two of those three planes. |
See also: Evaluation windows,
Results 3D window,
Main menu, Main window,
Secondary functions,
Active function,
Toolbar of Report windows