Main menu
Primary application functions are controlled and initiated from the main menu.
The main menu is shown along the top edge of the

Where appropriate the main menu will be extended with further functions
provided by an active window. For example the menu item File will contain
the function Print if some
report window
is currently active.
Likewise, when there is an active
report window
menu item
will be extended with "→Export→Report..."
and while there are active 3D windows (Elements3D,
Results3D) the menu
will be extended with 3D-Navigation menu items, and accordingly,
the menu File→Export with
→Export→Image 3D... and →Export→Scene 3D... with menu
extended by →Copy Image 3D.
During some processing steps are executing (e.g. longer operations like
calculating the solution or preparing evaluation data) functions of the main
menu will be turned off. This will be made visible by greying out the menu
While the menu is deactivated it is not possible to use it.
From AnTherm Version 9 on, there is the Menu Project. This menu allows the user to select project files from an existing project (such as "AnTherm-Examples") and open them. Moreover, the user can create new projects and add project files to them. In addition, there are functions such as copy or delete. This menu is supposed to make it easier for users to preserve an overview of all projects and project files. But the traditional way of accessing project files directly via the Menu File is still enabled.

New Project |
Open Project |
Copy |
Delete |
Print |
Forward (works only if you have already opened a project) |
Settings |
About |
Once you open a project from the Project Selector Window (either by double-clicking the project button or clicking the button once and then clicking the "Open" button), the Project Details Window pops up:

Add Existing File |
New File |
Open Reports Folder |
Save |
Back |
functions put collectively into the menu File are used for file control.
Occasionally there will be further menu items dynamically inserted to this menu,
related to specific
editing windows
result/evaluation windows
(if such windows provide additional menu functions).
New→ |
Creates a new project - see also
project types.
prior to creating a new project it is recommended to
save the current project's data!
New→2D Project |
Create a new project for 2D dimensional input only (imput
of the third dimension will be suppressed)
Remark: A 2D project can also be thought as one layer of a "
layered 3D
with the thickness of 1000mm.
See also Project types.
New→Layered 3D Project |
Create a new project built from series of 2D layers. The
input of the third dimesnion is provided by entering the thickness of each
layer and ordering layers in the
layers list .
See also Project types.
New→3D Project |
Create a new 3D project. Component's construction will be
composed of series of cubes placed in the 3D space.
See also Project types.
Load... |
Loading an existent
project file
Load Recent→... |
project file to open can be chosen from the list of
recently edited project files.
Remark: The number of file names shown (and remembered by the program)
can be changed in
application settings
Remark: The list of recently used project files will be saved to the
application settings file between
program executions.
Remark: If the project file listed does not
exist the message will be shown and the cleanup of the list offered.
Save... |
Save the currently edited (open) project. Currently set
project file will be overwritten.
You will not be warned (no question dialog) before overwriting happens!
Remark: This, potentially destructive, behaviour can be defined by
application setting "
project without asking
" and "
Ask To Save Project
Save as... |
Will ask you to provide a file name before project data is
Import→ |
Files created with other applications can be imported into
the application and the data will be transformed to a valid new project.
Import→Waebru.?BT... |
Initiates an
import from a WAEBRU component file
(i.e. .2BT or .3BT file).
Import→aCad DXF... |
Initiates an
import from specially prepared DXF file
Import→Heat2 DAT... |
Initiates an
import from a Heat2 text input file
Import→Heat3 DAT... |
Initiates an
import from a Heat3 text input file
Import→Kobru86 DAT... |
Initiates an
from a Kobru86 file
Import→Image Underlay... |
Initiates an
import and
registration of an image underlay/overlay
Remark: This will register an image for XY-Plane only (typical for
2D- and
Projects). To register three underlay images for the 3 planes
of a 3D-Project
(XY, YZ, ZX) use the
context menu of respective quadrant
within the
Elements23 window.
Export→ |
Project data (also including result reports for example)
can be "exported" to various file formats for further processing in other
Export→Coupling Coeff. Matrix... |
Initiates an
of the matrix of coupling coefficients (Leitwertmatrix) to a CSV file
which can be then otherwise processed.
Remark: This menu function is only available if there are
results (the solution)
already created and available.
Export→Report... |
Initiates an
export of a result report to some external file
which can then befurther
Remark: This menu function is only available if some
report window is active.
Export→Image 2D...
Export→Image 3D...
of images to a picture file
places the image
onto the clipboard
Remark: This menu function is only available if some graphical window
is active (e.g. Elements3D,
Export→Scene 3D... |
saving of a 3D scene to a 3D
(VRML, IV, OOGL, ...).
Remark: This menu function is only available if thre is some 3D
window (Elements3D,
Results3D) active.
Convert→ |
Project data can be
"converted" to some other
project type
Convert→Layered 3D Project |
Initiates the
of currently edited project data to a new
layered 3D project
Remark: Not each project can be converted to that project type.
See also Project types,
conversion variants
Convert→3D Project |
Initiates the
of currently edited project data to a new 3D project (in
a 3D project Z coordinates of elements can be entered directly).
See also Project types,
conversion variants
Convert→2D Project |
Initiates the
of currently edited project data to a new 2D project.
Remark: Only projects homogenous in the third dimension (Z axis direction) can be converted to a 2D project
layered 3D project
containing only one layer, or a 3D project of which all elements share same
Z coordinates).
See also Project types,
conversion variants
Convert→Revolve to 3D... |
Initiates the
conversion by revolution (rotation)
of currently edited project data of a 2D project to 3D.
See also Project types,
conversion variants
Print Report... |
printing of some report
: This menu function is only available if some
report window is active.
Exit |
Initiates the shutdown of the application.
save project data prior to exiting the
functions placed collectively in the menu Edit are used for adjusting
various processing parameters of the application.
Occasionally there will be further menu items dynamically inserted to this menu,
related to specific
editing windows
result/evaluation windows
(if such windows provide additional menu functions).
The menu Results... initiates calculation of results for the currently
processed project. Occasionally you will be asked to save the project data to a
project file
and to set parameters for
fine grid and for the
solver engine.
Before the calculation is actually started the application executes series
validation checks
on the model construction entered.
The calculation process can be observed in the
Solver window
. Which calculations are possible depends on actual model data
and valid application license
After the calculation has successfully completed the application will show
coupling coefficients
report (Leitwerte)
and will request the input of
. Following the later further
results reports and evaluations
can be performed.
See also: Solver window
submenu Data Input & Entry groups functions used to open
various editing and input windows of
the application. In the normal case most of this windows can be opened in the
processing context from other windows directly too. The menu
Input & Entry
provides in that sense an additional function only.
submenu Evaluation & Reports groups together functions used
to open various results- and
evaluation windows
of the application.
items of 2D navigation
are displayed as sub-items of the menu View if
there is a 2D window active (Elements2D,
Functions of this menu control the movement of the element display
within the two dimensional view.
Zoom In
Zoom Out
The view can be „scaled“. |
Fit to window |
Adjust the position and scaling in such way, that the whole
construction is visible within the window.
items of 3D navigation
are displayed as sub-items of the menu View if
there is a 3D window active (Elements3D,
Functions of this menu control the movement of the camera (observer)
within the three dimensional scene.
Side |
Turns the 3D view. The camera is moved to one of
view positions
(Front, Bottom, Top etc.)
Rotate |
The camera is moved on the surface of a sphere (the
distance to the object's centre does not change).
Turns are executed in 30° steps.
Spin |
The tilt of the camera is changed.
Tilts are executed in 30° steps.
Pan |
The camera pans. |
Zoom In/Out |
The camera moves forwards or backwards.
With the parallel projection
it is equivalent to scaling the view.
Fit |
The scaling and position of the view is adjusted to fit the
whole building construction within the window's view.
Revert |
Restore the original standard camera position.
X/Y plane parallel to view plane. Z axis point towards the viewer. Y axis
points upwards. Scaling adjusted to fit the view.
Perspective |
Swithes the 3D display between
perspective projection
and parallel projection.
The parallel projection is useful for
2D components
slice views (see also "Side
Views" here above).
Collect Isometry |
The current position of the 3D display (in
Elements23 or
Results3D) is added to the
project specific
list of isometries
The list of isometries can be edited in the
window Isometries (each
entry can be named for example) or one of listed isometries can be selected
from the list and applied to 3D views.
Show Isometries |
list of isometries
is shown in the
window Isometries.
See also:
3-D Navigation
(control panel)
Navigation in 3D windows
Track-Ball Rotation
, Elements3D window,
Elements23 window,
Isometries window
Menu items of Results 3D are displayed as sub-items of the
menu View (see above)
if there is Results3D window active.
Functions of this menu control settings (parameters)
of the evaluation.
See also:
Parameter window
Isometries window
(control panel)
3D Navigation
(control panel)
Window menu holds functions used for management of windows. In addition a
list of open windows is pinned at the bottom of the menu and thus allows direct
access to this windows (e.g. activation and bringing the window to front).
menu Tools collect various application tools. This additional
function collectively shown in this menu have no direct impact on edited
construction and are used as help for calculations.
With the help of "Element Wizard" you could model geometric figures (triangle, arc, circle ring) in AnTherm.
If you want to rotate the new elements, please do this directly in the Element Wizard, then the rotation will work quickly, otherwise it will take longer.
CAD editor
The CAD editor is used to model various projects or to import from other file formats.
In order to transfer the model from the CAD editor to AnTherm, it simply needs to be saved, either explicitly using the "Save" menu item or when exiting the CAD editor by confirming the save dialog with Yes.
the menu Help you will find links to various help and information
functions of the application.
Contents... |
Shows the help window and the
table of contents
of the application's help system.
Index... |
Shows the help window and a searchable index of the
application's help system.
Search... |
Shows the help window and a keyword search window of the
application's help system.
Example Load... |
Using the same function as of
a list of files in the examples folder (created during
installation) will be offered. This allows quick access to example files
deployed together with the application installation.
Tutorial.... |
Shows first page of
tutorials (cook
Reference.... |
Shows first page of
Tip of the Day.... |
Shows the
dialog window "Top of the Day"
Release Notes.... |
Shows first page of the change log (history of changes to
AnTherm@WWW... |
Shows the AnTherm's web page on internet (requires internet
Currently the page at the URL
is shown.
Check for Updates... |
Checks if there are updates or new version of the
application (requires internet connection).
Currently the page at the URL
is shown..
Help on Help... |
Shows the help window describing the usage of the help
Info... |
Shows the About window
of the application (application adn system environment, license, etc.).
Remark: With the application setting "Help Window shown TopMost"
the user can decide if the Help window will be shown topmost to all application windows and automatically minimize with the
application (which is the windows default behaviour) or it can be set behind the application window via typical desktop window
manager (default application setting).
See also: The main application window,
Editing windows (Input windows),
Evaluation windows,
Dialog windows