Modelling and Evaluation Tutorial
The program operations shall be illustrated here with step-by-step
instructions for analysing a demonstration object. The procedures of input and
evaluation can be followed as described to generate and evaluate two- and
three-dimensional input models equivalent to the examples contained in the
distribution. These completely calculated model files, which can be perused
before working with this program directly, also serve as an object of comparison
and aid towards successful completion of the model as described in the
• Object of Analysis • • Stages of Analysis • • Two-dimensional Analysis • • Three-dimensional Analysis •
Note: To quickly reach examples contained in the distribution you shall
use menu Help->Example
Load... .
> Start reading with "Object of Analysis"...
Hint: The application help window will always display on top (in front of) all other application
windows when invoked directly from the application (via F1 key or the Help menu) and eventually overlap them. To have
help window be freely switchable via desktop manager (which will allow you to bring the application windows to front)
you shall start the application help from the windows start menu instead (Start-All Programs-AnTherm-Help) and browse the
contents manually to the chapter of your choice.
With the application setting "Help Window shown TopMost"
the user can decide if the Help window will be shown topmost to all application windows and automatically minimize with the
application (which is the windows default behaviour) or it can be set behind the application window via typical desktop window
manager (default application setting). |
See also: Usage Hints Introductory Tutorial