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AnTherm Help and Documentation

The software AnTherm is equipped with extensive Help and Documentation. AnTherm-Blog offers supplemental information. Picture gallery (Picasa) and Video gallery (YouTube) provide visual impression.

This application's documentation is not only included with the program's installation but it can be also viewed on internet.

We've made efforts to provide documentation suitable for every user - a engineer, architect or student - making the starting the use of an application as easy as possible. Theoretical background of building physics and engineering calculations, used algorithms and procedures but also normative information have found their way into the documentation.

Extensive tutorials enable an easy start for new user leading him through a calculation of a two dimensional and then three dimensional thermal bridge component. The study of examples provides a quick overview of major application's functions. We've selected few common construction components for chosen  simulations and thermal heat/cold bridge analyses. Evaluations of heat stream (heat flux), temperature on component's surfaces or throughout an interior of construction or even evaluations of condensing humidity (dew point) to answer the question about the risk of mould growth have been considered in examples chosen.


Interested? Contact us for more information.

Or try and evaluate the demonstrational version just now!

Wärmebrücken berechnen (AnTherm)
Psi-Wert Rechner
U-Wert Rechner
Luft-Hohlraum Rechner
Grenzfeuchte (Kondensfeuchte) Rechner
METEONORM - Klimadatenbank und Wettergenerator
Thermal Bridges Calculation (AnTherm)
Psi-Value Calculator
U-Value Calculator
Air Cavity Calculator
Condensing Humidity (dew point) Calculator
METEONORM - Climate- and Weather Generator
Mostki cieplne (AnTherm)
METEONORM - generator Klimatu i Pogody
CE Gefährdungsanalyse MaschCE
CE Hazard Analysis MaschCE
CE Analiza zagrozen MaschCE
SolRad3 Sonnenstrahlung
GEBA Gebäudesimulation
Bücher Bauphysik

Thermal Bridges
Features & Attributes
+ New Version +
European Standards
Vapor Diffusion
Example results
+ Capability Variants +

Demo & Downloads
3D Navigation
System Requirements
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Product life cycle
Training & Seminars
Diploma & Projects
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